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Cours de formation

Les cours suivants sont disponibles à l'achat. Veuillez noter que nous offrons trois options de livraison pour nos cours.

  • À votre rythme en ligne
  • Mixte (Web/En personne)
  • En personne dirigé par un instructeur.

Veuillez noter que toutes les séances en personne sont réservées séparément.

En tant que fournisseur de formation agréé de la Croix-Rouge (LTP), nous offrons une vérité de cours de la Croix-Rouge


14 produits

  • American Red Cross: Anaphylaxis and Epinephrine Auto-Injector

    American Redcross American Red Cross: Anaphylaxis and Epinephrine Auto-Injector

    This online course will teach you the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and how to care for a person having a severe allergic reaction, including how to administer epinephrine using an auto-injector device.The course, which includes video, activities that reinforce key information and a learning assessment, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.


  • American Red Cross: Bloodborne Pathogens Training

    American Redcross American Red Cross: Bloodborne Pathogens Training

    Designed for those who are at risk for on the job exposure to blood and other bodily fluids in the workplace. The course teaches staff how bloodborne pathogens are spread, how to avoid exposure and what to do if exposed to infectious material. This course is one of the requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. After taking this course, students should talk with their employer about their workplaces specific policies and procedures. Those who complete the training receive a Bloodborne Pathogens Training certification valid for one year. Allow approximately 60 minutes to complete the course.



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