Gear Rental
Rentable items
All items we carry with the exception of the following types of equipment may be rented:
- Body Armor
- Single use products (medical supplies etc)
- Certain baselayer products (underwear,masks etc)
Rentable items
All items we carry with the exception of the following types of equipment may be rented:
Cancelation Policy
Any order canceled within 24 hrs of purchase will receive a full refund of their rental purchase. Any cancellation requested after 24 hrs will be refunded the rental cost - (the deposit fee+shipping cost if shipped). All rental cancellation must be requested via email.
Items are expected to be returned (dropped at the carrier) within 3 business days from the end of the rental period . Customers may request an extension of their rental period at any time within this time frame by submitting a rental extension request form and purchasing additional time.
If your gear is returned late, we'll charge a one-time late fee of $30 on top of the daily rate for each night the gear is late. Any item not returned within five (5) business days of rental end date will be considered lost.
Rentals returned before their due date will not result in refunds for unused days
Items returned excessively dirty or wet may result in a cleaning fee. The fee is $35 or the daily rental rate, whichever is less.
If gear is lost or damaged beyond normal wear and tear, we reserve the right to charge the customer the full retail price minus the rental fee.